Claire Hattrick is on a roll! Mum to twin girls who are now fully grown, accomplished adults, once a car sales executive turned beauty therapist, she is educating as many people as she can as Menopause Advocate. started off as a family run project and is now a full fledged business helping women understand Peri to Post Menopause and navigate their way through this time of life and its potential pitfalls. Claire openly shares her truly extraordinary story of the loss of joy that so many of us experience and find difficult to explain, insomnia and extreme joint issues, and when I say extreme, I mean extreme. She takes us step by step through the nine and a half years she endured before diagnosis of Menopause and subsequent recovery. She is a deeply passionate and well loved campaigner, striving to end the mystery around Menopause. You can find Claire on her website @clipboardclaire on IG @clipboardclair3 on Twitter and Claire Hattrick on LinkedIn
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