Real Menopause Talk
Real Menopause Talk
83: Kate Oakley - Perimenopause changed me - A new career: weight loss that really works

Kate Oakley went from 25 years in Human Resources to becoming a Personal Trainer. She credits Perimenopause for the shift in thinking from, “I’m too old” to “Why the hell not?!” Her experience of this life phase hasn’t been plain sailing and she shares her retrospective of body temperature changes, insomnia, anxiety and dramatic mood changes and like SO many of us, she was caught unprepared and unaware of what was happening to her. Kate is now happier with her own level of ambition than she was in her twenties, feeling great, following her passion and helping women feel and look their very best. In this episode we discuss weight management, the surprising progress that can easily be made, the power of the scales and how to ditch them for better mental health and what really works. You can find Kate (soon) on her website and you can see her workouts and message her on IG @yourfuturefit