Real Menopause Talk
Real Menopause Talk
82: Amy Anthony - The Power of Essential Oils for Hormone Health and Support

Amy Anthony is one of America’s top certified Aromatherapists and self-proclaimed Aromatic Gardner, currently based in New York City. Working in a corporate environment was a success in many ways for Amy but eventually, the plants found her and lead her to become the sought after voice she is today on how essential oils can support our health, connect us with nature, enhance mental clarity and help cope with life’s overall challenges. Today, Amy shares with us how she supports her clients to find relief from their symptoms, she talks about supporting hormones, oils for energy, sexual wellness and getting into your body. She also shares her personal and very current discovery of fibroids and what she is doing to care for herself at this time. Being so open and telling of her experience re-enforces the power of conversation, especially when it comes to women’s health. You can find Amy on her website and on IG @nycaromatica